This afternoon I returned from lunch got the exam room ready for the next thing on my schedule, an MRI brain. I've been in a very friendly mood at work lately, so I was pretty chatty with the woman who was there for the brain scan. I started telling her what to expect during the exam and asked her why she was here. Turns out a few weeks after her 40th birthday last month she found a lump in her breast, which lead to mammo, biopsy, and diagnosis of cancer. She's had lots of tests in the past couple of weeks to see if the cancer has metastasized, and has plans to meet with her doctor later this week to get all the test results, then will start chemo at the end of the week.
She was so nice and friendly and open... I really admire her optimism. We see lots of people of various ages and myriad ailments, and it's pretty interesting to see how people deal with illness and adversity. Some people get this 'woe is me' outlook, and it's sometimes difficult to sympathize with those patients.
Also, I admire the couple (or maybe more) of you reading my blog who have also beaten cancer.
Thanks sweetie. You never know what you can do until you have to.