Gratuitous shot of my off-the-charts adorable dog. He loves to travel. This pic was taken on the way to his vacation with his favorite dog-sitters. C'mon, look at this guy!!!

The garden at Mom and Steve's is starting to produce and look beautiful. Steve is letting some of his leeks and onions go to bloom/seed to see what will happen. They look really cool.

I made a delicious dinner (to be pictured next time) from garden onions and pea pods. I'm not always a fan of pea pods, but you can't go wrong with straight from the garden. I was at Mom and Steve's for a couple hours yesterday afternoon and enjoyed pulling up the pea plants and finding the last of the pods. Delish!

They do three green bean arbors in their garden, which are starting to fill in nicely.
The summer is officially completely booked-- there is some commitment every weekend between now and October. I think I have about one weekend a month in FW, though, so I can visit the garden. And my family, but the garden too. Also, We got tickets for a Tincaps game, which is very exciting. We went a few times last summer and had so much fun, and this year's game will be the start of our mini-vacay... the day after the game we'll go up to the Lauer's lake for a few days. Last year Henry was a hoot at the lake, so I expect much doggy cuteness again this year.
Of course, can't wait for the summer to zing by, since that means it'll be closer to the time when Phil gets to move here. Also it means maybe I'll be able to turn of the a/c!
Deb said - I can feel his hot doggie breath on me now. We miss the guy already.