Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm a Jerk

I have some stuff to blog, but my preferred computer has been infected with a horrible virus, I guess. I have pictures from last week's trip to Story, Indiana, pictures of some of the new stuff to decorate my new apartment, and will be going out of town again this weekend, so will have those pics, too. I'll get that stuff on my mac and get on it.

Tonight's last patient was an 11 year old boy for an MRI of his ankle. I went out to get him and groaned on the inside... this kid was SUCH a dork. I know it's not very nice to think that, but I did. He came stumbling back with me, walking down the wrong hallways and getting lost on the way out of the bathroom, and I was like, gimme a break. I mean, when I first saw this kid I thought, "Wow, what a relief to not be a parent... what a disappointment it must be if a kid turns out this dorky!" But he was so sweet and such a great patient! He asked a lot of questions and was very eager to see the machine and to lay very still... when I told him how important it was that he not move, he quickly laid his arms at his side and looked up at the ceiling-- he was ready to go! I burned his images onto a CD for him to take home so he could look at them and keep them, and he carried the CD out to his mom as if it were made of gold, using both hands.

Ok, lesson learned... even if a kid is super dorky he can still be nice and well-behaved and a pleasure to be around.