Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Post In Which I Request Your Feedback Twice

Guess what I just did! I mostly watched an episode of CSI:NY. I did some emailing while it was on, but I think I kinda got the gist of the show. The bad guy got away this week (sorry if you're reading this before you watched the episode on your tivo). I don't know... I think the show was pretty dumb. I've watched the Miami version of this show before, and that's kinda entertaining, 'cause that Caruso guy is funny. Without him, it's kinda flat. That's just my opinion. If you disagree, please tell me what's so great about this show.

Also, let's take a poll. Who believes in ghosts and stuff like that? Who's lived in a place that was haunted? I'm not saying that place I subletted was haunted, but I'm not saying it wasn't. I have been told (a couple of hours ago, by Crystal) that I don't seem to be the type who would believe in ghosts, but some people I trust believe in ghosts-- I don't think those people are wrong. Up until now I'd just decided to not think about stuff like that, and I guess I still would like to just not think about it. But, was that house haunted? I don't know.


  1. i've been told that i'm to pragmatic about these things to believe in ghosts, and i've never felt that i've lived in a place that was haunted (and think of all the old places i've lived!). i don't believe it is out of the question, but i think the ghosts maybe just know i would just ask them to stop so i can go back to sleep.
    what did or didn't happen in that place?
    oh, and i don't watch any CSI anything.

  2. haha-and the word verification that popped up for that post was "omenw". maybe this internet thing is haunted.

  3. CSI (the regular) is the only one I watch. It is okay - not as good as it used to be since my favorite (william peterson who played Grissom) on the show left.

    Hmmm...the ghost thing. I do think there are ghosty kinds of things but I hope not to run in to any of them. If I think too much about it, it freaks me out.
